diff --git a/micropython.py b/micropython.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7069bc951ab6e55c6ff853ea3e3ee7e809b6ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/micropython.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+This code is designed to run on an ESP32 for grabbing temperature data from
+ds18x20 sensors via the onewire protocol and sending them via serial to the
+connected host. It should be trivial to port it to different platforms.
+The Protocol is dead simple:
+<Empty Line>
+When a sensor has problems reading, it sends as temperature 9001.
+New sensors are only detected upon powerup, so you have to reboot in order to
+extend the sensor network.
+The sensors have a parasitic-power-mode which is NOT TO BE USED here.
+Please connect all three pins, and multiplex as you please.
+import machine
+import time
+import onewire, ds18x20
+import ubinascii
+class reader:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.di = machine.Pin(13)
+        self.ds = ds18x20.DS18X20(onewire.OneWire(self.di))
+        #scan for sensors
+        self.roms = self.ds.scan()
+    def run(self):
+        while 1:
+            time.sleep_ms(240)
+            self.ds.convert_temp()
+            time.sleep_ms(750)
+            for rom in self.roms:
+                print(ubinascii.hexlify(rom).decode('utf-8'), end=' ')
+                try:
+                    print(self.ds.read_temp(rom))
+                except:
+                    print(9001)
+            print()
diff --git a/plugins/collectd.py b/plugins/collectd.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba6dc85e807b45fe925e4e1337f835230d26d074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/collectd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import asyncio
+import time
+def init(monitor):
+    return PluginCollectd(monitor)
+class PluginCollectd:
+    """
+    Implements a super simple collectd interface for only sending temperature data
+    """
+    def __init__(self, monitor):
+        self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+        self.config = monitor.config
+        self.path = self.config['collectd']['socketpath']
+        self._reader, self._writer = (None, None)
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(self.reconnect())
+        self.monitor = monitor
+        self.last_store = 0
+    async def reconnect(self):
+        """
+        optionally close and then reconnect to the unix socket
+        """
+        if self._writer:
+            self._writer.close()
+        self._reader, self._writer = await asyncio.open_unix_connection(
+            path=self.path,
+            loop=self.loop)
+    async def _send(self, identifier, interval, timestamp, value):
+        """
+        The collectd naming convention is:
+         host "/" plugin ["-" plugin instance] "/" type ["-" type instance]
+         Whereby:
+         - host: local host name
+         - plugin: the tab in CGP
+         - plugin-instance: the graph
+         - type the line in the graph
+         - type instance : if there are more than one "temperature"s
+        """
+        data = "PUTVAL \"{}/{}\" interval={} {}:{}\n".format(
+            self.config['collectd']['hostname'],
+            identifier,
+            interval,
+            timestamp,
+            value)
+        #print("Sending data:", data.strip())
+        self._writer.write(data.encode('utf-8'))
+        await self._writer.drain()
+        try:
+            line = await asyncio.wait_for(self._reader.readline(), 1)
+        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+            print("Collectd did not respond.")
+            return
+        line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
+        if not line:
+            print("Connection reset. reconnecting")
+            await self.reconnect()
+        else:
+            pass
+            #print("recv:", line)
+    async def send_sensor_values(self, sensor):
+        """
+        Store the temperature to collectd for fancy graphs
+        """
+        await self._send("tail-temperature/temperature-{}".format(sensor.name),
+                         int(self.config['collectd']['interval']),
+                         int(sensor.last_update),
+                         sensor.temperature)
+    ## Plugin Callbacks ##
+    async def send_stats_graph(self, graph, stattype, stattime, statval):
+        """
+        to be called as a plugin callback to store stuff into collectd
+        """
+        await self._send("tail-{}/{}".format(graph, stattype),
+                         int(self.config['collectd']['interval']),
+                         stattime,
+                         statval)
+    async def sensor_update(self):
+        """
+        Receive sensor data to store them regularely into collectd
+        """
+        for sensor in self.monitor.sensors.values():
+            if sensor.valid:
+                await self.send_sensor_values(sensor)
+        self.last_store = time.time()
diff --git a/plugins/mail.py b/plugins/mail.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..869b625be8d4652be94827dec177886ac1dae96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/mail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import time
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from email.utils import formatdate
+import smtplib
+An unknown sensor has been connected to the temperature monitoring service.
+Please add the following section to the list of known sensors in {config}.
+The current temperature of the sensor is {temp}
+Regards, Temperature
+A sensor measurement was missed from the temperature monitoring.
+This indicates either a problem with the hardware (check the wireing!) or the config.
+ID: {owid}
+NAME: {name}.
+Please go check it!
+Regards, Temperature
+A sensor measurement was invalid. This might mean, that the sensor was disconnected.
+Please go and check the sensor with the id
+ID: {owid}
+NAME: {name}.
+LAST: {temp}
+Regards, Temperature
+NO_DATA_SUBJECT = "WARNING: Did not receive any data"
+NO_DATA_BODY = """Helly guys,
+It has been {time} seconds since i have last received a temperature value.
+This is unlikely - please come and check
+Regards, Temperature
+def init(monitor):
+    """
+    Plugin initialization method to be called from the outside
+    """
+    return PluginMail(monitor)
+class PluginMail:
+    """
+    Handle all the mail sending stuff
+    """
+    def __init__(self, monitor):
+        self.monitor = monitor
+        self.config = self.monitor.config
+        self._mail_rate_limit = {}
+    async def send_mail(self, subject, body, urgent=False):
+        """
+        Send a mail to the configured recipients
+        """
+        msg = MIMEText(body, _charset="UTF-8")
+        msg['Subject'] = subject
+        msg['From'] = self.config['mail']['from']
+        if urgent:
+            msg['To'] = self.config['mail']['to_urgent']
+        else:
+            msg['To'] = self.config['mail']['to']
+        msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
+        print("Notification: {}".format(subject))
+        # Ratelimit the emails
+        time_since_last_mail = time.time() - self._mail_rate_limit.get(subject, 0)
+        if time_since_last_mail < int(self.config['mail']['min_delay_between_messages']):
+            print("Not sending due to ratelimiting")
+            return
+        print("Body: {}".format(body))
+        self._mail_rate_limit[subject] = time.time()
+        smtp = smtplib.SMTP("mail.stusta.mhn.de")
+        #smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())
+        smtp.quit()
+    async def err_nodata(self, **kwargs):
+        await self.send_mail(NO_DATA_SUBJECT, NO_DATA_BODY)
+    async def err_unknown_sensor(self, **kwargs):
+        await self.send_mail(
+            UNKNOWN_SENSOR_BODY.format(**kwargs))
+    async def err_problem_sensor(self, **kwargs):
+        await self.send_mail(
+            SENSOR_PROBLEM_BODY.format(**kwargs))
+    async def err_missed_sensor(self, **kwargs):
+        await self.send_mail(
+            SENSOR_MEASUREMENT_MISSED_BODY.format(**kwargs))
+    async def temperature_warning(self, source, **kwargs):
+        subject = "Temperaturwarnung Serverraum"
+        body = """Hi Guys,
+Die Temperaturen im Serverraum werden langsam Bedenklich:
+Auslöser: {reason}
+Aktuelle Temperaturen:
+Bitte haltet die Temperaturen im Auge und fahrt eventuell heiß laufende Server herunter
+with love,
+        if source == "tempdiff":
+            temperatures = "{name1}:{temp1}\n{name2}:{temp2}".format(**kwargs)
+            reason = "Differenztemperatur: {tempdiff}".format(**kwargs)
+        elif source == "singlehot":
+            temperatures="{name}:{temp}".format(**kwargs)
+            reason = "Einzeltemperatur zu hoch"
+        alltemperatures = '\n'.join([
+            "{}: {}".format(sensor.name, sensor.temperature) if sensor.valid
+            else "{}: INVALID".format(sensor.name)
+            for sensor in self.monitor.sensors.values() ])
+        await self.send_mail(subject, body.format(
+            temperatures=temperatures, reason=reason, alltemperatures=alltemperatures))
diff --git a/plugins/warnings.py b/plugins/warnings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6fe632ebfa796f3155c39925bb8af9f453945f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/warnings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import time
+def init(monitor):
+    """ Plugin interface method """
+    return PluginWarning(monitor)
+class PluginWarning:
+    """
+    Generate all kind of warnings whenever needed and observe the sensor
+    if they see a problematic situation in the container
+    """
+    def __init__(self, monitor):
+        self.monitor = monitor
+        self.revmapping = {
+            sensor.name : sensor
+            for sensor in self.monitor.sensors.values()
+        }
+        self.warning_conf = self.monitor.config['warning']
+        conftest = [
+            self.warning_conf['floor_sensors'],
+            self.warning_conf['ceiling_sensors'],
+            self.warning_conf['floor_ceiling_diff'],
+            self.warning_conf['ceiling_warning_level'],
+        ]
+        del conftest
+    def get_sensor(self, sensorname):
+        """
+        Resovle the reverse mapping and get back the sensor
+        """
+        return self.revmapping[sensorname]
+    def get_stats(self, sensorlist):
+        """
+        Calculate mininmum, maximum average and variance over the sensor names given
+        """
+        sensors = [self.get_sensor(sensor) for sensor in sensorlist]
+        sensors = [sensor for sensor in sensors if sensor.valid]
+        if not sensors:
+            return [], 0, 0, 0, 0
+        avg = sum(sensor.temperature for sensor in sensors) / len(sensors)
+        var = sum((sensor.temperature - avg)**2 for sensor in sensors) / len(sensors)
+        sensormin = -9999
+        sensormax = +9999
+        for sensor in sensors:
+            if sensor.temperature < sensormin:
+                sensormin = sensormin
+            if sensor.temperature > sensormax:
+                sensormax = sensormax
+        return sensors, sensormin, sensormax, avg, var
+    async def sensor_update(self):
+        """
+        First generate stats and relay them to the collectd module, then use these stats
+        to decide wether it is currently critical in the container, and if so, send
+        warnings
+        """
+        # Do nothing yet
+        floor_sensors, floor_min, floor_max, floor_avg, floor_var = self.get_stats(
+            self.warning_conf['floor_sensors'].split(','))
+        ceil_sensors, ceil_min, ceil_max, ceil_avg, ceil_var = self.get_stats(
+            self.warning_conf['ceiling_sensors'].split(','))
+        now = time.time()
+        if floor_sensors:
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-floormin", stattime=now, statval=floor_min)
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-floormax", stattime=now, statval=floor_max)
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-flooravg", stattime=now, statval=floor_avg)
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-floorvar", stattime=now, statval=floor_var)
+        if ceil_sensors:
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-ceilmin", stattime=now, statval=ceil_min)
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-ceilmax", stattime=now, statval=ceil_max)
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-ceilavg", stattime=now, statval=ceil_avg)
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-ceilvar", stattime=now, statval=ceil_var)
+        if floor_sensors and ceil_sensors:
+            # Else we already have sent warning messages for broken sensors
+            tempdiff = ceil_avg - floor_avg
+            await self.monitor.call_plugin(
+                "send_stats_graph", graph="stats",
+                stattype="temperature-floor_ceil_diff", stattime=now, statval=tempdiff)
+            # Here comes the warning magic
+            if ceil_max > int(self.warning_conf['min_ceiling_warning']):
+                if  tempdiff > int(self.warning_conf['floor_ceiling_diff']):
+                    await self.monitor.call_plugin("temperature_warning",
+                                                source="tempdiff",
+                                                name1="floor",
+                                                name2="ceiling",
+                                                temp1=floor_avg,
+                                                temp2=ceil_avg,
+                                                tempdiff=tempdiff)
+            if ceil_avg > int(self.warning_conf['ceiling_warning_level']):
+                await self.monitor.call_plugin("temperature_warning",
+                                            source="singlehot",
+                                            name="ceiling",
+                                            temp=ceil_avg)
diff --git a/tempermonitor.py b/tempermonitor.py
index 4a1e80519b72323beaa31dcab026222f9d65894f..04c6f0109b7d57598f2602dfed93417a8e25bb81 100755
--- a/tempermonitor.py
+++ b/tempermonitor.py
@@ -16,67 +16,15 @@ Open issues:
 - Integrate USB Sensors
 import asyncio
 import configparser
 import sys
 import time
+import importlib
 from datetime import datetime
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-from email.utils import formatdate
-import smtplib
+from pathlib import Path
 import serial_asyncio
-An unknown sensor has been connected to the temperature monitoring service.
-Please add the following section to the list of known sensors in {config}.
-The current temperature of the sensor is {temp}
-Regards, Temperature
-A sensor measurement was missed from the temperature monitoring.
-This indicates either a problem with the hardware (check the wireing!) or the config.
-ID: {owid}
-NAME: {name}.
-Please go check it!
-Regards, Temperature
-A sensor measurement was invalid. This might mean, that the sensor was disconnected.
-Please go and check the sensor with the id
-ID: {owid}
-NAME: {name}.
-LAST: {tem}
-Regards, Temperature
-NO_DATA_SUBJECT = "WARNING: Did not receive any data"
-NO_DATA_BODY = """Helly guys,
-It has been {time} seconds since i have last received a temperature value.
-This is unlikely - please come and check
-Regards, Temperature
+import serial
 class Sensor:
@@ -86,6 +34,7 @@ class Sensor:
         self.temperature = None
         self.last_update = 0
         self.calibration = 0
+        self.valid = False
             if owid in config:
@@ -104,52 +53,6 @@ class Sensor:
         self.temperature = float(temperature)
         self.last_update = time.time()
-class Collectd:
-    """
-    Implements a super simple collectd interface for only sending temperature data
-    """
-    def __init__(self, loop, config):
-        self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
-        self.config = config
-        self.path = self.config['collectd']['socketpath']
-        self._reader, self._writer = (None, None)
-        self.loop.run_until_complete(self.reconnect())
-    async def reconnect(self):
-        """
-        optionally close and then reconnect to the unix socket
-        """
-        if self._reader:
-            self._reader.close()
-        if self._writer:
-            self._writer.close()
-        self._reader, self._writer = await asyncio.open_unix_connection(
-            path=self.path,
-            loop=self.loop)
-    async def send(self, sensor):
-        """
-        Store the temperature to collectd for fancy graphs
-        """
-        data = "PUTVAL \"{}/{}\" interval={} {}:{}\n".format(
-            self.config['collectd']['hostname'],
-            "tail-temperature/temperature-{}".format(sensor.name),
-            int(self.config['collectd']['interval']),
-            int(sensor.last_update),
-            sensor.temperature)
-        print("Sending data:", data.strip())
-        self._writer.write(data.encode('utf-8'))
-        await self._writer.drain()
-        line = (await self._reader.readline()).decode('utf-8').strip()
-        if not line:
-            print("Connection reset. reconnecting")
-            await self.reconnect()
-        else:
-            print("recv:", line)
 class TempMonitor:
     Interact with the esp-one-wire interface that sends:
@@ -162,25 +65,17 @@ class TempMonitor:
     def __init__(self, loop, configfile):
-        loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
+        self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
         self._configname = configfile
         self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
-        self._collectd = Collectd(loop, self.config)
-        print("connecting to", self.config['serial']['port'])
-        self._reader, self._writer = loop.run_until_complete(
-            serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection(
-                url=self.config['serial']['port'],
-                baudrate=self.config['serial']['baudrate'],
-                loop=loop
-            ))
-        self._known_sensors = {}
+        self.plugins = []
+        self.sensors = {}
         self._last_store = 0
-        self._mail_rate_limit = {}
+        self._reader, self._writer = (None, None)
         # Test if all necessary config fields are set, that are not part of the normal
         # startup
@@ -192,21 +87,27 @@ class TempMonitor:
+            self.config['serial']['port'],
+            self.config['serial']['baudrate'],
         del configtest
+        print("connecting to", self.config['serial']['port'])
         for owid in self.config:
             # Skip all known and predefined sections
-            if owid in ['DEFAULT', 'serial', 'collectd', 'mail']:
+            if owid in ['DEFAULT', 'serial', 'collectd', 'mail', 'warning']:
-            self._known_sensors[owid] = Sensor(self.config, owid)
+            self.sensors[owid] = Sensor(self.config, owid)
         self._run_task = loop.create_task(self.run())
-    async def run(self):
+    async def reconnect(self):
-        Read the protocol, update the sensors or trigger a collectd update
+        Connect to the ESP chip
+        self._reader, self._writer = await serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection(
+            url=self.config['serial']['port'],
+            baudrate=self.config['serial']['baudrate'],
+            loop=self.loop)
         # upon startup we only see garbage. (micropython starting up),
         # also it will produce warnings if the recording is started in the middle
         # of a message, so wait until the end of a message block to start the game
@@ -219,6 +120,12 @@ class TempMonitor:
             except UnicodeError:
+    async def run(self):
+        """
+        Read the protocol, update the sensors or trigger a collectd update
+        """
+        await self.reconnect()
         while True:
             # Wait for the next line
@@ -226,14 +133,18 @@ class TempMonitor:
             except asyncio.TimeoutError:
-                await self.send_mail(NO_DATA_SUBJECT, NO_DATA_BODY)
+                await self.call_plugin("err_nodata")
+                continue
+            except serial.SerialException as exc:
+                print("Problem with the serial connection - reconnecting: ", exc)
+                await self.reconnect()
                 line = line.decode('ascii').strip()
             except UnicodeError:
-            print("recv:", line)
+            #print("recv:", line)
             if line == '':
                 # Block has ended
@@ -247,25 +158,22 @@ class TempMonitor:
                 print("Invaid line received: {}\n{}".format(line, exc))
-            sensor = self._known_sensors.get(owid, None)
+            sensor = self.sensors.get(owid, None)
             if not sensor:
                 # If the sensor is new - notify the operators
-                await self.send_mail(
-                    UNKNOWN_SENSOR_SUBJECT,
-                    UNKNOWN_SENSOR_BODY.format(
-                        configname=self._configname,
-                        owid=owid,
-                        temp=temp))
+                await self.call_plugin("err_unknown_sensor",
+                                       config=self._configname,
+                                       owid=owid,
+                                       temp=temp)
             elif temp > 1000 or temp < -1000:
+                sensor.valid = False
                 # if the sensor is giving bullshit data - notify the operators
-                await self.send_mail(
-                    SENSOR_PROBLEM_SUBJECT,
-                    SENSOR_PROBLEM_BODY.format(
-                        owid=owid,
-                        name=sensor.name,
-                        temp=temp))
+                await self.call_plugin("err_problem_sensor",
+                                       owid=owid,
+                                       name=sensor.name,
+                                       temp=temp)
+                sensor.valid = True
                 # in the unlikely event that everyting is fine: log the data
@@ -277,48 +185,48 @@ class TempMonitor:
         except asyncio.CancelledError:
+    async def call_plugin(self, call, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Call the given method on all plugins, proxying arguments
+        """
+        result = {}
+        for plugin in self.plugins:
+            func = getattr(plugin, call, None)
+            if func:
+                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
+                    result[plugin.name] = await func(*args, **kwargs)
+                else:
+                    result[plugin.name] = func(*args, **kwargs)
     async def store_sensors(self):
         Prepare the sensors to be stored and maybe send an email
-        for owid, sensor in self._known_sensors.items():
-            if sensor.last_update <= self._last_store:
-                isotime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(sensor.last_update).isoformat()
-                await self.send_mail(
-                    SENSOR_MEASUREMENT_MISSED_BODY.format(
-                        owid=owid,
-                        name=sensor.name,
-                        last_update=isotime))
+        sensorstr = "measurements: "
+        for owid, sensor in self.sensors.items():
+            if sensor.valid:
+                sensorstr += "{}: {}; ".format(sensor.name, sensor.temperature)
+                if sensor.last_update <= self._last_store:
+                    sensor.valid = False
+                    isotime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(sensor.last_update).isoformat()
+                    await self.call_plugin("err_missed_sensor",
+                                           owid=owid,
+                                           name=sensor.name,
+                                           last_update=isotime)
-                await self._collectd.send(sensor)
+                sensorstr += "{}: INVALID; ".format(sensor.name)
+        print(sensorstr)
+        await self.call_plugin("sensor_update")
         self._last_store = time.time()
-    async def send_mail(self, subject, body, urgent=False):
-        """
-        Send a mail to the configured recipients
-        """
-        msg = MIMEText(body, _charset="UTF-8")
-        msg['Subject'] = subject
-        msg['From'] = self.config['mail']['from']
-        if urgent:
-            msg['To'] = self.config['mail']['to_urgent']
-        else:
-            msg['To'] = self.config['mail']['to']
-        msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
-        print("Problem {}\n\n{}\n".format(subject, body))
-        # Ratelimit the emails
-        time_since_last_mail = time.time() - self._mail_rate_limit.get(subject, 0)
-        if time_since_last_mail < self.config['mail']['min_delay_between_messages']:
-            return
-        self._mail_rate_limit[subject] = time.time()
-        smtp = smtplib.SMTP("mail.stusta.mhn.de")
-        smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())
-        smtp.quit()
+def setup_plugin(filename, plugin):
+    """
+    Setup and fix plugins
+    """
+    if not getattr(plugin, "name", None):
+        plugin.name = filename
 def main():
@@ -332,6 +240,19 @@ def main():
     print("Configuring temperature monitoring system from {}.".format(configfile))
     monitor = TempMonitor(loop, configfile)
+    plugin_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "plugins"
+    print("Loading plugins from {}".format(plugin_path))
+    for filename in plugin_path.glob("*.py"):
+        if (plugin_path / filename).exists():
+            print("loading {}".format(filename.name))
+            modname = "plugins." + filename.name.split('.')[0]
+            module = importlib.import_module(modname)
+            plugin = module.init(monitor)
+            setup_plugin(filename, plugin)
+            monitor.plugins.append(plugin)
+            print("Loaded: {}".format(plugin.name))
     except KeyboardInterrupt: