--- title: StuStaNet Goes WLAN header: StuStaNet Goes WLAN description: WLAN in der StuSta type: page color: none class: wifi headerImage: headers/outdoor.jpg --- In the Studentenstadt StuStaNet offers the StuStaNet WLAN for members in outdoor areas and community facilities. On this page, you will learn how to connect your device to the Wi-Fi. {{% warn %}} StuStaNet Wi-Fi is in the testing phase. Downtimes are to be expected and settings may change.{{% /warn %}} <div class="callout callout-default"> <h3>Wi-Fi for your room</h3> <img src="/figures/router_m.jpg" class="router"> <p>Outdoor Wi-Fi is great, but Wi-Fi in your own room would be even better?</p> <p>Meet the StuStaNet Wi-Fi Router!</p> <ul> <li><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>Plug & Play: Connect and done.</li> <li><i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>Our software does all the configuration automatically!</li> <li><i class="fa fa-tachometer" aria-hidden="true"></i>450Mbit/s WLAN (IEEE 802.11b/g/n)</li> <li><i class="fa fa-euro" aria-hidden="true"></i>Sold at cost price. For members only.</li> </ul> <p><b>Available in our <a href="{{< ref "officehours.en.md" >}}">office hours</a>.</b></p> </div> ## Prerequisites * StuStaNet-Membership - More information [here](/) * Living in a room the StuSta * Wifi Access - Can be created on the StuStaNet [account page](https://account.stustanet.de) ## How do I connect to the Wi-Fi? ### <i class="fa fa-android"></i> Android {#android} Go to _Settings > Wifi_ and choose **StuStaNet**. Then choose **more options**. |**Option**|**Value**| |--------|--------| |EAP-Method| PWD| |Identity| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| |Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| ### <i class="fa fa-windows"></i> Windows 10 {#windows-10} Select WiFi **StuStaNet**. |**Option**|**Value**| |--------|--------| |Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| |Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| ### <i class="fa fa-linux"></i> Linux NetworkManager {#linux-networkmanager} |**Option**|**Value**| |--------|--------| |SSID| StuStaNet| |Security| WPA & WPA2 Enterprise| |Authentication| PWD| |Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| |Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| ### <i class="fa fa-linux"></i> Linux NetworkManager Alternative via TTLS {#linux-networkmanager-alternative-via-ttls} |**Option**|**Value**| |--------|--------| |SSID| StuStaNet| |Security| WPA & WPA2 Enterprise| |Authentication| Tunneled TLS| |Anonymous identity| anon@stusta.net| |CA-Certifikate| [radius stusta](/wifi/StuStaNet-wifi.stusta.pem)| |Inner authentication| PAP| |Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| |Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| ### <i class="fa fa-apple"></i> MacOS via Networkprofile {#macos-via-networkprofile} |**Option**|**Value**| |--------|--------| |SSID| StuStaNet| |Networkprofile| [StuStaNet.mobileconfig](/wifi/StuStaNet.mobileconfig)| |Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)| |Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|