title: StuStaNet Goes WLAN
header: StuStaNet Goes WLAN
description: WLAN in der StuSta
type: page
color: none
class: wifi
headerImage: headers/outdoor.jpg
In the Studentenstadt StuStaNet offers the StuStaNet WLAN for members in outdoor areas and community facilities. On this page, you will learn how to connect your device to the Wi-Fi.

{{% warn %}} StuStaNet Wi-Fi is in the testing phase. Downtimes are to be expected and settings may change.{{% /warn %}}

<div class="callout callout-default">
    <h3>Wi-Fi for your room</h3>
    <img src="/figures/router_m.jpg" class="router">
    <p>Outdoor Wi-Fi is great, but Wi-Fi in your own room would be even better?</p>
    <p>Meet the StuStaNet Wi-Fi Router!</p>
        <li><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>Plug & Play: Connect and done.</li>
        <li><i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>Our software does all the configuration automatically!</li>
        <li><i class="fa fa-tachometer" aria-hidden="true"></i>450Mbit/s WLAN (IEEE 802.11b/g/n)</li>
        <li><i class="fa fa-euro" aria-hidden="true"></i>Sold at cost price. For members only.</li>
    <p><b>Available in our <a href="{{< ref "officehours.en.md" >}}">office hours</a>.</b></p>

## Prerequisites
* StuStaNet-Membership - More information [here](/)
* Living in a room the StuSta
* Wifi Access - Can be created on the StuStaNet [account page](https://account.stustanet.de)

## How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?

### <i class="fa fa-android"></i> Android {#android}
Go to _Settings > Wifi_ and choose **StuStaNet**.
Then choose **more options**.

|EAP-Method| PWD|
|Identity| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|
|Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|

### <i class="fa fa-windows"></i> Windows 10 {#windows-10}
Select WiFi **StuStaNet**.

|Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|
|Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|

### <i class="fa fa-linux"></i> Linux NetworkManager {#linux-networkmanager}
|SSID| StuStaNet|
|Security| WPA & WPA2 Enterprise|
|Authentication| PWD|
|Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|
|Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|

### <i class="fa fa-linux"></i> Linux NetworkManager Alternative via TTLS {#linux-networkmanager-alternative-via-ttls}
|SSID| StuStaNet|
|Security| WPA & WPA2 Enterprise|
|Authentication| Tunneled TLS|
|Anonymous identity| anon@stusta.net|
|CA-Certifikate| [radius stusta](/wifi/StuStaNet-wifi.stusta.pem)|
|Inner authentication| PAP|
|Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|
|Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|

### <i class="fa fa-apple"></i> MacOS via Networkprofile {#macos-via-networkprofile}
|SSID| StuStaNet|
|Networkprofile| [StuStaNet.mobileconfig](/wifi/StuStaNet.mobileconfig)|
|Username| [_your username@stusta.de_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|
|Password| [_your password_](https://account.stustanet.de/login)|