#!/usr/bin/perl # # annotated by suhu <stefan.huber@stusta.de> on 2016-10-22 # this file is called from the proxy with e.g. # proxy.stusta.de:81/blockpage.pl/blocked/ # # Wolfgang Walter meinte "FM steht für FehlerMelsung, dass man leichter grepen # kann" use strict; use warnings; use IO::File; use FCGI; use Linux::Inotify2; use File::Slurp; use File::Basename; use NetAddr::IP; use NetAddr::IP::Util; use Encode; # array of block types, that means either dynamic or permanent my @blocktypes = ( 'dynamic', 'permanent' ); # array of filetypes # apparently this script can load a blocklist and html templates my @filetypes = ( 'blocklist', 'error_page_template' ); # standard path. here the list of blocked ips should be. my $incoming = '/home/scp-rec/incoming'; # hashmap for the block page templates, access with # $templates{'dynamic'} or $templates{'permanent'} my %templates; # hashmap of blocked accounts: # access: $blocklists{'dynamic'}{""} = "awesome guy" my %blocklists; # hash my %readconfig; my $stats; my $updates = 0; my $handling_request = 0; my $exit_requested = 0; my $notifier; my $request; my $isfcgi; # apparently this scrip is to be run in background and can get unix # handler requests sub sig_handler_exit { $exit_requested = 1; $handling_request or exit(0); } $SIG{USR1} = \&sig_handler_exit; $SIG{TERM} = \&sig_handler_exit; $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die 'SIGPIPE\n'; }; # this subroutine loads both error page templates into the templates hashmap sub load_error_page_template { my ($blocktype, $filepath) = (@_); my $content; eval { $content = File::Slurp::read_file($filepath, binmode => ':utf8'); }; if ($@) { print STDERR "FM $@"; return; } $templates{$blocktype} = $content; } # load_blocklist # @param blocktype Which blocktype should be loaded ('dynamic' or 'permanent' # @param filepath filepath to the blocklist, e.g. $incoming (see above) sub load_blocklist { my ($blocktype, $filepath) = (@_); # %block is a hashmap of blocked accounts: ip -> reason # e.g. $block{''} = 'awesome guy' # access: $blocklists{'dynamic'}{''} = 'awesome guy' my %block; #print STDERR "load_blocklist: $blocktype, $filepath\n"; eval { # fh = FileHandler for the blocklist file my $fh = IO::File->new($filepath) or die "can't read $filepath: $!\n "; while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { $line =~ /^#/ and next; # ignore lines starting with # # regex: \s is whitespace character my ($ip, $reason) = split(/\s+#\s+/, $line, 2); defined($ip) or next; # if the split didn't return an # ip -> next defined($reason) or $reason = "Virus/Trojaner/Stoerer"; # substitute chars '&', '<' and '>' with HTML code $reason =~ s/\&/\&/g; $reason =~ s/\</\</g; $reason =~ s/\>/\>/g; # make an IP object from the string $ip = NetAddr::IP->new($ip); defined($ip) or next; # when it was no correct IP -> next for (my $i=$ip->network, my $j=0;; $i++, $j++) { $block{$i->addr} = $reason; $i == $i->broadcast and last; if ($j >= 255) { # nicht mehr als maximal 256 print STDERR "WARNING: subnet $ip has more than 256 addresses; ignoring\n"; last; } } } # on read error: die! $fh->error and die "error when read $filepath: $!\n "; $block{error} = "Virus/Trojaner/Stoerer"; }; # $@ = Error Message fom the last eval command. if ($@) { print STDERR "$@"; return; } #print STDERR "load_blocklist: loaded $blocktype, $filepath\n"; $blocklists{$blocktype} = \%block; } sub watch_callback { my $ev = shift; my $filepath = $ev->fullname; $readconfig{$filepath} = 1; #print STDERR "DM $filepath\n"; } sub check_config { $notifier->poll(); foreach my $filepath (grep( { $readconfig{$_} } keys(%readconfig))) { my $filename = File::Basename::basename($filepath); my ($filetype, $blocktype) = split(/-/, $filename, 2); #print STDERR "DM check_config $filepath\n"; if ($filetype eq 'blocklist') { load_blocklist($blocktype, $filepath); } elsif ($filetype eq 'error_page_template') { load_error_page_template($blocktype, $filepath); } $readconfig{$filepath} = 0; } } # do_errorpage prints an HTML error page if called. # should thus be called when unrecoverable error occurs. # in production environment: should not ever be executed! sub do_errorpage { print( "Status: 404\r\n", "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n") or $isfcgi or die "FM error when writing to stdout: $!\n "; if (0) { print "hallo\r\n"; my $pathinfo = $ENV{PATH_INFO}; $pathinfo or $pathinfo = ''; my $scriptname = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; $scriptname or $scriptname = ''; print "PATH_INFO=$pathinfo\r\nSCRIPT_NAME=$scriptname\r\n"; } } # this is pretty much the main routine sub do_request() { # determine ip-address my $pathinfo = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; if (! defined($pathinfo)) { do_errorpage(); return; } # split script name # example 'proxy.stusta.de:81/blockpage.pl/blocked/' my ($dummy1, $scriptname, $type, $arg1) = split(/\//, $pathinfo); # now # $dummy1 should be the server name, '' # $scriptname should be the name of this script ('blockpage.pl') # $type should be a 'blocked' # $arg1 should be the ip-address if (! defined($type) || ! defined($arg1)) { # if either type or ip are not defined, something went wrong! do_errorpage(); return; } if ($type eq 'blocked') { defined($arg1) or $arg1 = 'error'; } elsif ($type eq 'error') { $arg1 = 'error'; } else { do_errorpage(); return; } # determine block reason and blocktype my $ip = NetAddr::IP->new($arg1); defined($ip) and $arg1 = $ip->addr; my $reason; my $blocktype; # hint: @blocktypes = {'permanent', 'dynamic'} foreach my $b (@blocktypes) { if ($blocklists{$b} && ($reason = $blocklists{$b}->{$arg1})) { $blocktype = $b; last; } } if (! defined($reason)) { $blocktype = $blocktypes[0]; $reason = $blocklists{$blocktype}->{error}; } # load and modify the blockpage template my $template = $templates{$blocktype}; # substitute the reason from the template $template =~ s/\@\@\@REASON\@\@\@/$reason/g; $template = Encode::encode('utf8', $template); # print the HTML header print("Status: 404\r\n", "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n") or $isfcgi or die "FM error when writing to stdout: $!\n "; #print STDERR "DM OK1\n"; $isfcgi or STDOUT->flush(); $request->Flush(); # print the template page! print($template) or $isfcgi or die "FM error when writing to stdout: $!\n "; $isfcgi or STDOUT->flush(); #print STDERR "DM OK2\n"; } sub abort_request { my ($reason) = (@_); $exit_requested = 1; print STDERR "fatal error, request aborted, shutting down: <$reason>\n"; $request->Finish(); } $notifier = Linux::Inotify2->new(); $notifier->blocking(0); $request = FCGI::Request(); $isfcgi = $request->IsFastCGI(); foreach my $blocktype (@blocktypes) { foreach my $filetype (@filetypes) { my $filename = "${filetype}-${blocktype}"; my $filepath = "$incoming/$filename"; $readconfig{$filepath} = 1; $notifier->watch($filepath, Linux::Inotify2::IN_DELETE_SELF|Linux::Inotify2::IN_CLOSE_WRITE, \&watch_callback); } } while ($handling_request = ($request->Accept() >= 0)) { check_config(); eval { # here the creation of the html output page actually happens! do_request(); }; if ($@ && $@ ne 'SIGPIPE\n') { my $reason = $@; eval { abort_request($reason); }; } else { $isfcgi or STDOUT->flush(); $request->Flush(); $request->Finish(); } $handling_request = 0; $exit_requested and last; } $request->Finish(); exit(0);