#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This is the tempermonitoring system v2. it is based on the work of the old temperature monitoring system and released under the terms as stated in the LICENSE.md file. Changelog: 2018-08 jotweh: reimplemented using a micropython-esp32 Open issues: - Temperature Limits - Integrate USB Sensors """ import asyncio import configparser import sys import time import importlib from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import serial_asyncio import serial class Sensor: """ One instance as sensor posing as measurementproxy """ def __init__(self, config, owid): self.temperature = None self.last_update = 0 self.calibration = 0 self.valid = True try: if owid in config: self.name = config[owid]['name'] self.calibration = config[owid]['calibration'] else: print("Invalid Config: missing section {}".format(owid)) except KeyError as exc: print("Invalid Config: for {}: {}".format(owid, exc)) raise def update(self, temperature): """ Store a new measurement, and remember the time it was taken """ self.temperature = float(temperature) self.last_update = time.time() class TempMonitor: """ Interact with the esp-one-wire interface that sends: one-wire-id1 temperature one-wire-id1 temperature one-wire-id1 temperature followed by an empty line as data packet """ def __init__(self, loop, configfile): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._configname = configfile self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.config.read(configfile) self.plugins = [] self.sensors = {} self._last_store = 0 self._reader, self._writer = (None, None) # Test if all necessary config fields are set, that are not part of the normal # startup configtest = [ self.config['collectd']['hostname'], self.config['collectd']['interval'], self.config['mail']['from'], self.config['mail']['to'], self.config['mail']['to_urgent'], self.config['mail']['min_delay_between_messages'], self.config['serial']['timeout'], self.config['serial']['port'], self.config['serial']['baudrate'], ] del configtest print("connecting to", self.config['serial']['port']) for owid in self.config: # Skip all known and predefined sections if owid in ['DEFAULT', 'serial', 'collectd', 'mail', 'warning']: continue self.sensors[owid] = Sensor(self.config, owid) self._run_task = loop.create_task(self.run()) async def reconnect(self): """ Connect to the ESP chip """ self._reader, self._writer = await serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection( url=self.config['serial']['port'], baudrate=self.config['serial']['baudrate'], loop=self.loop) # upon startup we only see garbage. (micropython starting up), # also it will produce warnings if the recording is started in the middle # of a message, so wait until the end of a message block to start the game # If the baudrate is wrong during micropython startup - this will also be # skiped. while True: try: if (await self._reader.readline()).decode('ascii').strip() == "": break except UnicodeError: continue async def run(self): """ Read the protocol, update the sensors or trigger a collectd update """ await self.reconnect() last_valid_data_received = time.time() line = "" while True: # Wait for the next line if time.time() - last_valid_data_received > 1800: self.call_plugin("err_no_valid_data", last_line=line) try: line = await asyncio.wait_for( self._reader.readline(), timeout=int(self.config['serial']['timeout'])) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await self.call_plugin("err_nodata") continue except serial.SerialException as exc: print("Problem with the serial connection - reconnecting: ", exc) await self.reconnect() continue try: line = line.decode('ascii').strip() except UnicodeError: continue #print("recv:", line) if line == '': # Block has ended await self.store_sensors() continue # Try to parse the line try: owid, temp = line.split(' ') temp = float(temp) except ValueError as exc: print("Invaid line received: {}\n{}".format(line, exc)) continue ## we have at least a valid line last_valid_data_received = time.time() sensor = self.sensors.get(owid, None) if not sensor: # If the sensor is new - notify the operators await self.call_plugin("err_unknown_sensor", config=self._configname, owid=owid, temp=temp) elif temp > 1000 or temp < -1000: sensor.valid = False # if the sensor is giving bullshit data - notify the operators await self.call_plugin("err_problem_sensor", owid=owid, name=sensor.name, temp=temp) else: sensor.valid = True # in the unlikely event that everyting is fine: log the data sensor.update(temp) async def teardown(self): """ Terminate all started tasks """ self._run_task.cancel() try: await self._run_task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass async def call_plugin(self, call, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the given method on all plugins, proxying arguments """ result = {} for plugin in self.plugins: func = getattr(plugin, call, None) if func: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): result[plugin.name] = await func(*args, **kwargs) else: result[plugin.name] = func(*args, **kwargs) async def store_sensors(self): """ Prepare the sensors to be stored and maybe send an email """ sensorstr = "measurements: " for owid, sensor in self.sensors.items(): if sensor.valid: sensorstr += "{}: {}; ".format(sensor.name, sensor.temperature) if sensor.last_update <= self._last_store: sensor.valid = False isotime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(sensor.last_update).isoformat() await self.call_plugin("err_missed_sensor", owid=owid, name=sensor.name, last_update=isotime) else: sensorstr += "{}: INVALID; ".format(sensor.name) print(sensorstr) await self.call_plugin("sensor_update") self._last_store = time.time() def setup_plugin(filename, plugin): """ Setup and fix plugins """ if not getattr(plugin, "name", None): plugin.name = filename def main(): """ Start the tempmonitor """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() configfile = "/etc/temperature/tempermon.ini" if len(sys.argv) == 2: configfile = sys.argv[1] print("Configuring temperature monitoring system from {}.".format(configfile)) monitor = TempMonitor(loop, configfile) plugin_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "plugins" print("Loading plugins from {}".format(plugin_path)) for filename in plugin_path.glob("*.py"): if (plugin_path / filename).exists(): print("loading {}".format(filename.name)) modname = "plugins." + filename.name.split('.')[0] module = importlib.import_module(modname) plugin = module.init(monitor) setup_plugin(filename, plugin) monitor.plugins.append(plugin) print("Loaded: {}".format(plugin.name)) try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: loop.run_until_complete(monitor.teardown()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()