This is the StuStaNet Temperature Monitoring System.

# Hardware Setup and Protocol

The temperature sensors are ds18x20 sensors connected via the onewire protocol
to an esp32. The esp is connected via usb-serial to the host computer.
This sends roughly every second a measurement value from one of the sensors.
After a complete round it sends an empty line.

# Dependencies

pyserial-asyncio. And >=python3.5.

# Architecture
The communications is done within the file as well as
error handling for the sensor measurements.
It will then call functions in plugins to do the majority of the work.

The plugins are located in the `plugins` folder.

A plugin has to include a `def init(temperaturemonitor):` initializer which
returns the plugin-class. See `plugins/` for reference.

To see which plugin functions are called with what arguments search for
`call_plugin` in the whole tree.

A plugin function can either be either async or not, both versions will be
executed properly.

Plugins can also call other plugins.

# Configuration
The system is configured via the `tempermon.ini` file, but the path can be changed
by supplying a single argument to the main executable.

It includes a bunch of default sections:

* **serial**: settings for the serial connection
* **\<pluginname>**: plugin specific settings
* **\<one-wire-id>**: every other section is interpreted as a sensor configuration
  section. The configured sensor name is used for the collectd graphs, so if a
  sensor is replaced, also change its name.
  If a sensor is missing from this list, it will generate warning mails, as well
  as for extra sensors. Only leave the sensors commented in, that are actually

# Testing
In `/tests` the testing architecture is set up.
`` creates a testing socket as well as a emulated collectd socket.
Now testing can be started using the default configfile.

# Existing Plugins
If you create another plugin please add it to this list.

## Collectd
Store values into collectd when new sensor values are available as well as expose
a generic graph-storing for other plugins

## Mail
Contains the emailing system as well as all email templates.
Reacts to most `err_*` and `warn_` plugin calls and sends emails for them to the
configured clients

## Warnings
Analyse all available sensors, create statistics and analsye them and create
warnings, if required.
Here we can adopt new warning strategies.