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  • 016967/stustanet-website
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  • 009834/stustanet-website
  • mariem/stustanet-website
  • 010699/stustanet-website
12 results
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with 409 additions and 77 deletions
......@@ -27,3 +27,21 @@ other = "To Homepage"
other = "Weekday"
other = "Chairman"
other = "Treasurer"
other = "1st Technical Director"
other = "2nd Technical Director"
other = "3rd Technical Director"
other = "Validity"
{{ define "main"}}
<h1 id="title">Oops! Page not found.</h1>
<p><a class="button" href="{{ "/" | relURL }}">Go to the Homepage</a></p>
{{ end }}
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<body class="{{ .Params.Color | default "blue" }}">
<body class="{{ .Params.Color | default "blue" }}{{ with .Params.Class }} {{ . }}{{ end }}">
<nav id="top-bar">
<div class="container">
<div class="logo">
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<ul class="menu">
{{ $currentPage := . }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li{{if or ($currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentPage.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) (eq .URL $.URL) }} class="active"{{end}}>
<li{{if or ($currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentPage.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) (eq .URL $.RelPermalink) }} class="active"{{end}}>
<a class="menu-item" href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
{{ $currentPage := . }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li{{if or ($currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentPage.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) (eq .URL $.URL)}} class="active"{{end}}>
<li{{if or ($currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentPage.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) (eq .URL $.RelPermalink)}} class="active"{{end}}>
<a class="menu-item" href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
......@@ -100,11 +100,12 @@
<div class="container">
<div class="editPage">
<!--<div class="editPage">
<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>
<a href="{{ .Site.Params.gitEditBaseUrl }}{{ .File.Path }}" title="{{ i18n "editPage" }}">{{ i18n "editPage" }}</a>
<div class="center">
<a href="{{ .Site.Params.gitEditBaseUrl }}{{ with .File }}{{ .Path }}{{ end }}" title="{{ i18n "editPage" }}">{{ i18n "editPage" }}</a>
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<div class="links">
<a href="/impressum">{{ i18n "imprint" }}</a>
<div class="lang-dropdown-container">
{{ define "main" }}{{.Content}}{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{ .Content }}
{{ range where .Pages "Type" "vorstands_key" -}}
{{ if (gt (len .Content) 10) -}}
<h3>PGP Key {{ .Title }}</h3>
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" download="{{.Title}}.asc">Download</a><br>
{{ if .Param "fingerprint" -}}
Fingerprint: <code>{{ .Param "fingerprint" }}</code><br>
{{- end }}
Key Dump:
{{ .Content }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{ .Content }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{ replace (trim .Inner "\n") "\n" "<br/>" | safeHTML }}
<div class="alert">{{ .Inner | markdownify }}</div>
<p class="button-container"><a class="button" href="{{ if .Get "ref" }}{{ ref . ( .Get "ref" ) }}{{ else }}{{ .Get "href" }}{{ end }}">{{ .Get "label" }}</a></p>
<dt>{{ .Get "title" }}</dt>
{{ replace .Inner "\n" "<br/>" | safeHTML }}
{{ trim .Inner "\n" | safeHTML }}
{{ if and (eq (.Get 0) "vv") ((time (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now) }}
{{ (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" }}
{{ else if and (eq (.Get 0) "cc") ((time (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now) }}
{{ (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" }}
{{ else if and (eq (.Get 0) "tv1") ((time (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now) }}
{{ (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" }}
{{ else if and (eq (.Get 0) "tv2") ((time (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now) }}
{{ (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" }}
{{ else if and (eq (.Get 0) "tv3") ((time (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now) }}
{{ (.Site.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" }}
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="flex-item">{{ .Inner }}</div>
{{ .Inner }}
\ No newline at end of file
<th>{{ i18n "weekday" }}</th>
<th class="right">{{ i18n "date" }}</th>
<th class="right">{{ i18n "time" }}</th>
{{ $appointments := getJSON "" }}
{{ range first 5 $appointments }}
<td>{{ if (eq $.Site.Language.Lang "de") }}
{{ index $.Site.Data.DE.Wochentage (sub (time (int .start)).Weekday 1) }}
{{ else }}
{{ dateFormat "Monday" (int .start) }}
{{ end }}</td>
<td class="right">{{ if (eq $.Site.Language.Lang "de") }}
{{ (time (int .start)).Day }}. {{ index $.Site.Data.DE.Monate (sub (time (int .start)).Month 1) }} {{ (time (int .start)).Year }}
{{ else }}
{{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" (int .start) }}
{{ end }}</td>
<td class="right">{{ dateFormat "15:04" (int .start) }} – {{ dateFormat "15:04" (int .end) }}</td>
{{ end }}
<th>{{ i18n "weekday" }}</th>
<th class="right">{{ i18n "date" }}</th>
<th class="right">{{ i18n "time" }}</th>
{{ $appointments := getJSON "" }}
{{ range first 5 $appointments }}
<td>{{ if (eq $.Site.Language.Lang "de") }}
{{ index $.Site.Data.DE.Wochentage (sub (time (int .start)).Weekday 1) }}
{{ else }}
{{ dateFormat "Monday" (int .start) }}
{{ end }}</td>
<td class="right">{{ if (eq $.Site.Language.Lang "de") }}
{{ (time (int .start)).Day }}. {{ index $.Site.Data.DE.Monate (sub (time (int .start)).Month 1) }} {{ (time (int .start)).Year }}
{{ else }}
{{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" (int .start) }}
{{ end }}</td>
<td class="right">{{ dateFormat "15:04" (int .start) }} – {{ dateFormat "15:04" (int .end) }}</td>
{{ end }}
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url={{.Get 0}}"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<dl class="vorstand">
<li>Vorsitzender Vorstand: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.VV }}</li>
<li>Schatzmeister: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.CC }}</li>
<li>1. Technischer Vorstand: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV1 }}</li>
<li>2. Technischer Vorstand: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV2 }}</li>
<li>3. Technischer Vorstand: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV3 }}</li>
<i>Gültig: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.Valid }}</i>
<dt>{{ i18n "chairman" }}:</dt>
<dd>{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.VV -}}
{{ if and (fileExists "keys/board/")
((time (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now)
(gt (len (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Content) 10) -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/" "lang" "de") }}" download="{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.VV }}.asc">PGP key</a>
{{ if (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/fingerprints/" "lang" "de") }}">Fingerprint</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<dt>{{ i18n "treasurer" }}:</dt>
<dd>{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.CC -}}
{{ if and (fileExists "keys/board/")
((time (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now)
(gt (len (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Content) 10) -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/" "lang" "de") }}" download="{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.CC }}.asc">PGP key</a>
{{ if (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/fingerprints/" "lang" "de") }}">Fingerprint</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<dt>{{ i18n "1stcto" }}:</dt>
<dd>{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV1 -}}
{{ if and (fileExists "keys/board/")
((time (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now)
(gt (len (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Content) 10) }}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/" "lang" "de") }}" download="{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV1 }}.asc">PGP key</a>
{{ if (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/fingerprints/" "lang" "de") }}">Fingerprint</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<dt>{{ i18n "2ndcto" }}:</dt>
<dd>{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV2 -}}
{{ if and (fileExists "keys/board/")
((time (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now)
(gt (len (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Content) 10) -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/" "lang" "de") }}" download="{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV2 }}.asc">PGP key</a>
{{ if (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/fingerprints/" "lang" "de") }}">Fingerprint</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<dt>{{ i18n "3rdcto" }}:</dt>
<dd>{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV3 -}}
{{ if and (fileExists "keys/board/")
((time (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").ExpiryDate).After now)
(gt (len (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Content) 10) -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/" "lang" "de") }}" download="{{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.TV3 }}.asc">PGP key</a>
{{ if (.Page.Sites.First.GetPage "keys/board/").Param "fingerprint" -}}
<a href="{{ ref . (dict "path" "/keys/board/fingerprints/" "lang" "de") }}">Fingerprint</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
<i>{{ i18n "validity" }}: {{ .Site.Data.Vorstand.Valid }}</i>
<div class="warn">{{ .Inner | markdownify }}</div>
<div class="we-are-not-stuwerk">
<b>HINWEIS</b>: Diese Adresse kann bei Wohnungsanfragen <b>NICHT</b> helfen.
<b>HINWEIS</b>: Diese Adresse kann bei Wohnungsanfragen <b>NICHT</b> helfen.
<a href="">Hier ist die richtige Adresse</a>.
<br />
<b>NOTE</b>: This contact <b>CANNOT HELP</b> you get an appartment.
Please see <a href="">this page</a>.
\ No newline at end of file
<b>NOTE</b>: This contact <b>CANNOT</b> help you to get an appartment.
Please see <a href="">this page instead</a>.
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82.6 KiB