title: StuStaNet Goes WLAN
header: StuStaNet Goes WLAN
description: WLAN in der StuSta
type: page
color: none
headerImage: headers/wifi.jpg
Since April 2019 we offer Wi-Fi for all StuStaNet members.
You can find it under the name _StuStaNet_.
On this page, you will learn how to connect your device to the Wifi.
If you have any questions or comments you can [write us](
## Prerequesites
* StuStaNet-Membership - More information [here](../index.html)
* member card - Can be picked up during one of our [office hours](../index.html).
## How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?
### Android
Then choose **more options**.
|EAP-Method| PWD|
|identity| [_your username_](|
|password| [_your password_](|
### Linux NetworkManager
|SSID| StuStaNet|
|Security| WPA & WPA2 Enterprise|
|Authentication| PWD|
|Username| [_your username_](|
|Password| [_your password_](|
### Linux NetworkManager alternative via TTLS
|SSID| StuStaNet|
|Security| WPA & WPA2 Enterprise|
|CA-Zertifikat| [radius stusta](|
|Username| [_your username_](|
|Password| [_your password_](|